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The Anglican Church of Canada and the Diocese of Toronto are governed by a set of rules called canons. These canons are designed to standardize our administrative practice and, to some degree, our liturgy and polity. The canons can be found on the Diocesan website click here. Alongside the canons, we must adhere to Canada Revenue Agency's rules for charitable organizations.

In collaboration with the Priest-in-Charge, the Churchwardens are responsible for administering and managing the business and financial affairs of St. John's. .

Rector's Warden: Jennifer Jenkins

People's Warden: Andrea Rutty

The Wardens can be reached at

Elected Positions

Lay Delegate to Synod: Andrea Rutty

Parish Council 

Meeting monthly to discuss parish matters, the Parish Council serves as an advisory group to the Priest-in-Charge and churchwardens, and also acts as a way to spread information through the parish. Representatives from a number of committees and ministry areas sit on council, along with some members-at-large. Everyone at St. John's is welcome to come to these meetings, to ask questions, and to bring ideas and feedback.

Priest's Appointments

Head of Altar Guild: May Webster

Social Justice Chair: Rev. Evelyn Butler

Tech Committee Chair: Michael Taylor

Wardens’ Appointments

Property Chair: Vacant

Communications Chair: Michael Taylor

Screening Coordinator: John Spragge

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