If you've had a look at St. John's cornerstones you'll notice several
different dates on them:
1881-1981 Centennial Stone: This stone marked the centenary of St.John's first church building, which stood at the junction of St. John's Rd. and Dundas St. West.
May 11, 1889: Cornerstone for St. John's second church building, constructed next to the first church, which became the church hall. Today, Malta Park and a Tim Horton's occupy to site of the second church building.
May 5, 1923: Cornerstone of St. John's third and current church building at 288 Humberside Ave. On November 4, 1923, the building was formally opened and dedicated.
SJWT will be marking the 100th anniversary of our church during the months leading up to November 2023. A special SJWT-100th committee will be assembled to plan a variety of projects and activities. Stay tuned for more details. Christopher Rutty
Originally published in the St. John's Newsletter on August 13th, 2022