On Saturday, April 20th, St. John's hosted a successful concert by Ernesto de Luca performed on St. John's powerful organ.
A diverse audience of St. John's parishioners, members of the public, and several of Ernesto's friends, enjoyed an eclectic selection of pieces, from Bach to ABBA, brought to dynamic life on the organ.
Ernesto is a seasoned pianist and organist who dedicates his life to music and produces a collaborative space for the creation of it. He is proficient at accompaniment and innovative compositions for chamber and ensembles. Ernesto’s diverse musical background has equipped him for adaptability and versatility within the professional musical world. His BFA in music at York University consisted of classical piano, flute, and organ. He has worked as a member of the pit band and as Music Director for theatre companies across the GTA. He is currently the Music Director/organist at All Saints Anglican Church in King City and the collaborative pianist for The Cellar Singers in Orillia.
Thanks to Ernesto for a memorable concert and to the St. John's Communications Team for organizing and promoting the show.
To learn more about the history of St. John's organ, check out this article,
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