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A Peaceful Protest: Saving St. John's takes the front steps

Thursday evening, despite the messaging from the Diocese to cancel our official town hall community meeting, a small amount of concerned neighbours and parishioners gathered in front of the church (and on zoom). We had an attendance of 9 people in person and 3 online - including a new daycare parent whose daughter will be starting at the Early Enrichment Daycare in September, and shared pizza and discussion. We were also able to chat with some people as they were passing by to let them know about the current dispute about the St. John’s building and parish.

Everyone is deeply concerned about the implications of losing this space. They are concerned about another abandoned church development, much like the church at High Park and Annette, and they are bewildered and disturbed by the lack of communication and care the diocese has shown towards the congregation and our community partners - including AA and the daycare. It is clear from the abrupt cancellation of our community events leading up to the closing date of July 30th that the diocese does not want this space to be accessible to the public. Whatever the reason, it remains unclear. 

There are many emotions afloat these days, especially in light of the events of this week. However, this community has banded together in hope and resilience during this unnecessarily stressful time. We, the parish and the greater community, strongly support each other and keeping this space alive. 

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