Get to know us!
A variety of worship experiences, opportunities for learning and socializing, an open and affirming community, a place for everyone: single, partnered, children, young people and seniors. St. John’s is an energetic affirming faith community in West Toronto. Wherever you are on your faith journey, you're welcome here! Based on our baptismal vow to “respect the dignity of every human being,” here at St. John’s, we affirm diversity and embrace inclusiveness. We think we have something to offer you and we know we can learn something from you. Join us – let’s journey together!

Marriage Equality
SJWT - In our own words!
Click here to read the submission to the Diocese in 2014.
Gender and Sexual Diversity
To learn more click here
Ministry Team

The Rev. Alexandra Stone
Interim Priest-in-Charge
Prior to coming to St. John's, Mtr. Alexandra served as the Assistant Curate of St. Olave’s, Swansea, where she was ordained to the priesthood in 2020. She holds a Master of Divinity degree from Wycliffe College as well as Master of Arts in Classics from the University of Western Ontario. Before her ordination to the Diaconate in May of 2019 at St. James Cathedral, Toronto, Alexandra worked as Assistant Coordinator of the Companions Program at St. John’s Convent and served as a student and lay leader in several Toronto parishes, most recently at St. Bartholomew’s in Regent Park, where she acted as coordinator of a weekly drop-in and co-led a number of other outreach ministries.

The Rev. Bob Shantz
Honorary Assistant
Since 2005, Rev. Bob Shantz and his wife Alison have been members of St. John's and active participants in our church. Bob has an extensive Lutheran background spending 17 years as a Chaplin at the University of Toronto. In 2013, he obtained a Spiritual Director degree and now runs a practice out of his home. Bob previously served as Interim Priest but has taken a step back from full time ministry. Bob is currently an Honourary Assistant for St. John's and leads the occasional Sunday service.